안녕하세요. 미국 변호사 장수훈 입니다. Trust(미국 신탁법) 오리엔테이션 입니다. 목차 들어가기 62 15 기본 개념 Trust 63 15.1 ISSUE 1 : Trust Creation 63 15.2 ISSUE 2 : Type of Trust 63 15.3 ISSUE 3 : Trust Modification 63 16 Trust Creation 64 16.1 Special Issue 1 : Restricting Marriage or Promoting Divorce 65 17 Type of Trust 65 17.1 Spend Thrift Trust 66 17.1.1 Against Creditors 66 17.1.2 Against Alimony and Child Support 67 17.1.3 Aga..