안녕하세요. 미국 변호사 장수훈 입니다.
Contract law(미국 계약법) 오리엔테이션 입니다.
1 들어가기 9
2 Contract Formation 10
2.1 Is It An Offer? 11
2.1.1 Intent 13
2.1.2 Advertisement 14
2.2 Is the Offer Still Offer? 16
2.2.1 Revocation/Termination of Offer 16
2.2.2 Acceptance 24
2.2.3 Rejection 25
2.2.4 Mirror-Image Rule 27
2.3 Has the Offer Been Accepted? 29
2.3.1 Unilateral Contract 31
2.3.2 Mail Box Rule 34
3 Defense 38
3.1 Lack of Consideration 38
3.2 Illusory Contract 40
3.3 Past Consideration 40
3.4 Preexisting Duty Rule 41
3.5 Lack of Capacity 43
3.6 Misrepresentation 46
3.7 Impossibility/Impracticability 47
3.8 Frustrated Purpose 49
3.9 Constructive Condition Precedent That Was Substantially Performed 50
3.10 Duress/Undue Influence 50
3.11 Undue Influence 51
3.12 Unconscionability 52
3.13 New Statute Creation (=Embargo) 52
3.14 Restraints against Trade & Penalty 53
4 Special Issues in Contract 53
4.1 Quasi Contract (Implied-In-Law Contract) 53
4.2 Promissory Estoppel 55
4.3 Debts Case 56
4.4 Mistake 59
4.5 Installment Contract 61
4.6 Auction with Reserve/without Reserve 62
5 Statute of Fraud 63
5.1 Statute of Fraud 사항 64
5.1.1 Promise Given in Consideration of Marriage 64
5.1.2 Service Contract over 1 year 64
5.1.3 Transfer Interest of Real Property 65
5.1.4 Suretyship 65
5.1.5 $500이상 UCC2계약 66
5.1.6 동일 문서에 쓰지 않은 계약서 66
5.2 Statute of Fraud 예외 67
5.2.1 Confirmation Letter 67
5.2.2 Suretyship Exception 68
5.2.3 Real Property Contract Exception 69
5.2.4 Service Contract Exception 70
5.2.5 Special Goods/UCC Modification 70
6 Parol Evidence Rule (=PER) 71
6.1 PER Exceptions 72
7 Warranties 74
7.1 Express Warranty 75
7.2 Implied Warranty of Merchantability 75
7.3 Implied Warranty of Fitness 76
7.4 Defense 76
8 Shipment Contract 77
8.1 Common Carrier Case 77
8.2 Noncommon Carrier 79
9 Performance/Later Agreement 79
9.1 Perfect Tender Rule 80
9.2 UCC2 Cure Policy 81
9.3 Later Agreement 83
9.3.1 Rescission 83
9.3.2 Modification/Accord and Satisfaction 83
9.3.3 Reformation 87
9.3.4 Assignment 87
9.3.5 Novation 93
9.4 Third-Party Beneficiary Contracts 94
9.4.1 Intended Beneficiary 94
9.4.2 Incidental Beneficiary 96
10 Anticipatory Repudiation 96
10.1 Failure to Give an Adequate Assurance 98
10.2 Special Issue 1: Promissory Note in 60 days 99
10.3 Special Issue 2: Insolvent 상황에서 Modification 99
11 Damage 100
11.1 Types of Damage 100
11.2 Liquidated Damage 101
11.3 Remedy (Monetary/Equitable Remedy) 102
11.4 Special Issue 1: Restitutionary Damage 104
11.5 계산 원리 104
11.5.1 원칙 105
11.5.2 Expected Profit =|Contract Price – Market Price| 105
11.5.3 Expected Profit = |Contract Price – Mitigated Price| 106
11.6 Special Issue1: Accommodation이 없는 경우 107
11.7 Special Issue2: Accommodation이 있는 경우(또는 Accommodation으로 간주되는 경우) 108
11.8 Special Issue 3: Complaint Lapse Within Reasonable Time 108
*장수훈 미국 변호사는 서울대학교 경제학부를 우등 졸업하고, University of Kansas School of Law, Juris Doctor 과정을 우수한 성적으로 마쳤으며 Dean's Fellow의 맴버로 활동했습니다. 그리고 미국 민사 소송법, 미국 부동산 법, 설명있는 법률 영어 등 총11권 이상의 책을 출판하였고, 해외 학술지에 지속적으로 논문을 기고하고 있습니다.
*미국법, 미국 로스쿨, 미국 변호사 시험 관련 문의 사항은 uslawacademy@naver.com, 카톡 ID: uslaw4u으로 전달해 주세요. 실전 문제 풀이는 항상 열려 있습니다.
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