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"미국 연방 헌법 Constitution [Third Edition]"을 출간 하였습니다.
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1. 미국 연방 헌법판례를 구체적으로 다루었습니다.
2.각 장별로 "구분 목차"를 따로 만들었습니다.
3. 개념 이해를 돕기 위해예제를 보강했습니다.
4. 미국 연방 헌법의시험 포인트와 일반 판례 설명을 덧붙였습니다.
목차는 아래와 같습니다.
1 들어가기 8
2 Judicial Branch - Article III 9
2.1 Political Question 10
2.2 Advisory Opinion 12
2.3 Standing Issue 12
2.3.1 No-Third Party Standing 14
2.3.2 No-General Grievances 16
2.3.3 State Action 18
2.4 Ripeness 19
2.5 Mootness 20
2.6 11th Amendment 22
2.7 Original/Appellate Jurisdiction 25
2.7.1 Original Jurisdiction 25
2.7.2 Appellate Jurisdiction 26
2.7.3 Adequate and Independent State Grounds 27
3 Legislative Branch - Article I 30
3.1 10th Amendment (= (State) Police Power) 31
3.1.1 Exception of 10th Amendment 1: MILD (Article IV , Property Clause) 34
3.1.2 Exception of 10th Amendment 2: Inducing Regulations 35
3.2 Necessary and Proper Clause 36
3.3 Taxing and Spending Power 37
3.4 Commerce Clause 39
3.5 Delegation of Powers 42
3.6 Against Veto 43
3.7 Other Powers 44
4 Executive Branch - Article II 46
4.1 Foreign Affairs 47
4.1.1 Treaties & Executive Agreement 47
4.1.2 Commander in Chief (=Actual Service of the U.S) 49
4.2 Domestic Power of President 51
4.2.1 Appointment/Removal Power 51
4.2.2 Veto Power 53
4.2.3 President Privilege/Immunity 53
4.2.4 Pardon 54
5 Federalism - Article IV Supremacy clause 57
5.1 Dormant Commerce Clause 60
5.2 Privilege and Immunities Clause 63
5.3 Full Faith and Credit Rule 65
6 Protection of Individual Rights 67
6.1 Constitutional Standard 68
6.1.1 Rational Basis Test 68
6.1.2 Intermediate Scrutiny 69
6.1.3 Strict Scrutiny 70
6.2 주요 Fundamental Rights 정리 71
6.2.1 Right to Travel 71
6.2.2 Right to Marry 72
6.2.3 Right to Use Contraception 72
6.2.4 Right of Abortion 72
6.2.5 Parental Right & Family Relations 73
6.2.6 Right to Refuse Medical Treatment 74
6.2.7 Right to Vote 74
6.3 Constitutionality 소송 주요 요건 76
6.3.1 Exception: 13th Amendment 77
6.4 Due Process 77
6.4.1 Bill of Rights(5th Amendment외 다수 조항) Vs. 14th Amendment 78
6.4.2 Procedural Due Process 79
6.4.3 Substantive Due process 81
6.5 Equal Protection 87
6.5.1 문제풀이 Tip 88
6.5.2 Suspect Classification 88
6.5.3 Quasi-Suspect Classification 92
6.5.4 Non-suspect Classification 93
7 1st Amendment 95
7.1 Freedom of Religion 95
7.2 Freedom of Speech 97
7.2.1 Protective Speech: Commercial Speech 97
7.2.2 Unprotected Speech 98
7.2.3 About Contents 99
7.2.4 About Location 100
7.2.5 그 밖의 Issue들 102
8 Notes 104
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이미지 썸네일 삭제
미국 연방 헌법 Constitution [Third Edition]
미국 연방 헌법을 한눈에 정리하였습니다. Third Edition을 내면서, 판례를 추가하였고 예제를 좀 더 구체화 시켰습니다. 미국 변호사 시험을 준비하는 수험생 그리고 미국 연방 헌법을 이해하고자 하는 일반인들에게 도움이 되었으면 합니다. 책 정오표는 네이버블로그에 있습니다. https://blog.naver.com/uslawacademy
파일 첨부Sample_Constitution_교재_부끄끄_전자_개정3판_Sample.pdf
전자책: 4만5천원
종이책: 6만원
서울대 경제학부 졸
University of Kansas School of Law, Juris Doctor (J.D.)
前 한국산업은행 근무
미국변호사 (Washington, D.C.)
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온라인출판플랫폼 :: 부크크
온라인출판플랫폼, 온라인서점, 책만들기, 에세이, 자서전,무료 출판
For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit. (1 Peter 3:18)
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