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미국 부동산법 Real Property [Third Edition] 출간

USLAW101 2020. 5. 13. 16:18


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4. 미국 부동산법의시험 포인트와 일반 판례 설명을 덧붙였습니다.

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1 들어가기 9

2 Fee Simple/ Defeasible Fees 10

2.1 Fee Simple Absolute (FSA) 11

2.2 Fee Simple Determinable (FSD) 12

2.3 Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent (FSCS) 14

2.4 Fee Simple Subject to Executory Interest (FSEI) 15

2.5 Restraint against Conveyance 16

2.6 Beneficiary 정리 17

3 Life Estate 18

3.1 Waste (Life Tenant Duty) 18

3.2 Mortgage Contract 20

3.3 Succeeding Contract 22

4 Rule Against Perpetuities(RAP) 24

5 Concurrent Estates 28

5.1 Joint Tenancy 28

5.2 Tenancy by Entirety 30

5.3 Tenancy in Common 32

5.4 Special Issue 1: 3명 이상의 Joint Tenancy 35

5.5 Special Issue 2: 동시 사망, 사망일시 모르는 경우 36

5.6 Special Issue 3: Forged Signature in Joint Tenancy 36

5.7 Special Issue 4: Tenancy in common의 Tax 문제 37

6 Tenant Contract 38

6.1 Tenancy for Years(Equitable, At law) 38

6.2 Tenancy at Sufferance 40

6.3 Periodic Tenancy 41

6.4 Tenant Duty 43

6.5 Landlord Duty 46

6.6 Special Issue 1: Assignment Vs. Sublease 48

6.7 Special Issue 2: Contract Cessation Time 50

6.8 Special Issue 3: Rent Contract Termination 50

6.9 Special Issue 4: Condemnation of Property 51

7 Servitudes 53

7.1 Easement 53

7.1.1 Easement Creation 56

7.1.2 Easement Termination 59

7.1.3 Special Issue 1: Dedication for Public Use/Easement in Public Use 61

7.1.4 Special Issue 2: Easement 발생 이후, 추가적 Easement이 요구되는 경우 61

7.1.5 Special Issue 3: Excessive Use of Easement 62

7.2 License 63

7.3 Profit 64

8 Covenant/Equitable Servitude 65

8.1 Covenant 65

8.2 Equitable Servitude 68

8.3 Implied Equitable Servitude (Implied Reciprocal Servitude) 68

8.4 Termination/Abrogation of Covenant/Equitable Servitude 69

8.5 Special Issue 1: Dedication for Public Use/Easement in Public Use 70

8.6 Special Issue 2: Zoning Code & Statute 70

9 Adverse Possession 72

9.1 Defense 75

9.2 Easement by Prescription 77

9.3 Concurrent Estates Adverse Possession 78

10 Water Rights 80

10.1 English Rule (=Riparian Rights) 80

10.2 American Rule (=Prior Appropriation) 81

10.3 Enemy Doctrine of Water 82

10.4 Percolating Water/Underground Water 82

11 Support Liability and Rights 84

11.1 Lateral Support Liability 84

11.2 Subjacent Support Liability 84

11.3 Artificial Structure Damage 85

12 Real Property Contract 86

12.1 Contract 87

12.1.1 Contract Boundary (=Including a Fruit) 88

12.1.2 Statute of Fraud 88

12.1.3 Installment Contract 90

12.1.4 Seller Duty 91

12.1.5 Buyer Duty 94

12.1.6 Special Issue 1: Doctrine of Equitable Conversion 94

12.1.7 Special Issue 2: Fructus naturales Vs. Fructus industrials 97

12.2 Closing 98

12.2.1 Deed 98

12.2.2 Special Issue 1: Estoppel by Deed 100

12.2.3 Special Issue 2: Deed Corrections 102

12.2.4 Special Issue 3: Land Description 102

12.3 Title (Legal Title Vs. Equitable Title) 103

12.4 Damage 104

12.5 Warranty 105

12.6 Recording 107

13 Mortgage 111

13.1 Assume(Assumption)/Subject to 111

13.2 Priority 113

13.3 Foreclosure 115

13.4 Redemption 117

13.5 Special Issue 1: 은행의 권리 보호 118

13.6 Special Issue 2: Notice Statute Vs. Race Notice Statute 118

13.7 Special Issue 3: Bona Fide Purchaser (Creditor) 119

13.8 Special Issue 4: 대신 Mortgage를 갚는 경우 119

13.9 Special Issue 5: 추가 Mortgage 계약을 하는 경우 (=Future Advances Mortgage) 120

13.10 Special Issue 6: Co Tenant의 Mortgage Foreclose 120

14 Notes 122


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미국 부동산법 Real Property [Third Edition]

미국 부동산법을 한눈에 정리하였습니다. Third Edition을 내면서, 판례를 추가하였고 예제를 좀 더 구체화 시켰습니다. 미국 변호사 시험을 준비하는 수험생 그리고 미국 부동산법을 이해하고자 하는 일반인들에게 도움이 되었으면 합니다. 책 정오표는 네이버블로그에 있습니다. https://blog.naver.com/uslawacademy


파일 첨부Sample_Real Property_교재_부끄끄_전자_개정3판_Sample.pdf

전자책: 4만5천원

종이책: 6만원

서울대 경제학부 졸

University of Kansas School of Law, Juris Doctor (J.D.)

前 한국산업은행 근무

미국변호사 (Washington, D.C.)

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이미지 썸네일 삭제

온라인출판플랫폼 :: 부크크

온라인출판플랫폼, 온라인서점, 책만들기, 에세이, 자서전,무료 출판


Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12)


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