Civil Procedure Outline 1. 미국 민사소송법 개요 1강
안녕하세요. 미국 변호사 장수훈 입니다.
Federal rule of civil procedure(미국 연방 민사 소송법) 오리엔테이션 입니다.
1 들어가기 9
2.1 In Rem Jurisdiction 10
2.2 Quasi In Rem Jurisdiction 11
2.3 In Personal Jurisdiction 12
2.3.1 Minimum Contacts 13
2.4 Long Arm Statute 15
2.5 Proper Service 16
2.6 Domestic Problems 17
3 Subject Matter Jurisdiction 17
3.1 Federal Question 18
3.2 Diversity Jurisdiction 20
3.2.1 Domicile 20
3.2.2 Standard for Diversity of Citizenship 24
3.2.3 Ambiguous Federal Statute Issue 25
3.2.4 Exceeding Jurisdiction Amount $75,000 26
3.2.5 State statute substantially related to Federal statute 27
4 State Court Vs. Federal Court 28
4.1 Federal Judgment without SMJ 28
4.2 State Judgment with SMJ 29
4.3 Prior State Court Deposition in Federal Court 29
4.4 Trial 도중에 SMJ의 논의가 사라지는 경우 30
5 Removal & Venue Transfer 31
5.1 Removal 31
5.1.1 Erie Doctrine 34
5.1.2 Abstention Doctrine (=Colorado Case) 37
5.1.3 Statute of Limitation (SOL) 38
5.2 Venue Transfer 39
5.2.1 Forum Selection Clause (= Fixed Jurisdiction Effect by a Contract) 40
6 Supplemental Jurisdiction 42
6.1 소송 Jurisdiction의 기본 원칙 42
6.2 1 Vs. 1 소송 43
6.3 Indispensable Party Participation 43
6.4 Federal Question인 경우 44
6.5 Non-Federal Question(Diversity Jurisdiction)인 경우 45
7 Joinder of Claims 46
7.1 Joinder의 기본 원칙 – 강조 46
7.2 Counter Claim (Supplemental) 47
7.3 Impleader (Supplemental) 49
7.4 Interpleader (Supplemental) 50
7.5 Cross Claim (Supplemental) 51
7.6 Intervention 52
7.7 Class Action 53
8 Trial Process 56
8.1 Pleading 56
8.1.1 Service 전달 59
8.2 Amend Pleading 61
8.2.1 Doctrine of Relation Back 62
8.2.2 Pre-Answering 63
8.2.3 Answering 64
8.3 Discovery 65
8.3.1 Subpoena 68
8.3.2 Privilege 68
8.3.3 Pretrial Order under the Rule 16 71
8.3.4 Mental/Physical Status Report 71
8.3.5 Insurance Policy Disclose 72
8.4 Deposition 72
8.5 Adjudication Without Trial 73
8.6 Judgment 74
8.7 New Trial 또는 Renewed Motion for JMOL 74
8.8 Relief from Judgment 74
8.9 Appeal 75
9 Trial Judgment 75
9.1 Pre-trial Motion/Judgment 75
9.1.1 Dismissal 75
9.1.2 Dismissal for Failure to Prosecute 76
9.1.3 Summary Judgment 76
9.1.4 Default Judgment 79
9.1.5 Special Issue 1 : Motion for Judgment on the Pleading 80
9.2 Trial Judgment/Verdict 81
9.2.1 Jury Verdict 81
9.2.2 Judgment as a matter of law (JMOL = Directed Verdict) 88
9.3 Post-Trial Motion/Judgment 90
9.3.1 New trial 90
9.3.2 Renewed Motion for JMOL 91
9.3.3 Special Issue 1 : Court Plain Errors 92
9.4 Relief from Judgment 92
9.4.1 Remittitur/Additur 92
10 Preclusion 93
10.1 Claim Preclusion (=Res Judicata) 93
10.2 Issue Preclusion (=Collateral Estoppel) 94
10.3 Final Judgment Rule 96
10.4 Criminal Conviction related to Issue Preclusion 96
11 Relief (=Interlocutory Order) 97
11.1 Preliminary Injunctive Relief 97
11.2 Temporary Restraining Order 98
11.3 Special Issue 1 : Appeal the Interlocutory Order 99
11.4 Special Issue 2 : Appeal before the Final Judgment 100
12 주요 Motion 기간 정리 (2019년 기준) 100
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